2016 | May: Paper presentation at the symposium ‘The Art of Voice Synthesis,’ University of Amsterdam. Objectification of Sound and Sound Source, Modelling of Emotions: Singing with Care. |
2013 | August: Noise Summerschool UU. Vocalecture, Thinking with Music: Bergson, Barad, Kurtág. |
2012 | June, Paper presentation (video) at the Mami conference in New York, Steinhardt University. Fitzcarraldo: The Creation of Eight Carruso Situations. |
2012 | April: Paper presentation at the conference Feminist Materialisms in Copenhagen. Sound reinforcement system: body politics, vocal expression. |
2012 | Review article. Jacqueline Oskamp. Onder Stroom. Geschiedenis van de elektronische muziek in Nederland. TVNM LXII -1/2, 2012, 183-188. |
2011 | To be published ‘The Incommensurability of Musical Materialisation and Mediation’ in Music and Mediality. Peter Lang Verlag. |
2011 | November: Paper presentation Fitzcarraldo: the Caruso situation. At Linköping University, Sweden. |
2010 | September: Paper presentation Matter and Music: the Point of Excitation at the Contemporary Cultural Theory Seminar, ‘Intra-action between the humanities and the sciences’ at the Utrecht University. |
2010 | May: Masterclass and lecture, The New in Music Performance at Beijing Normal University (BNU). |
2010 | February: Paper presentation The Incommensurability of Musical Materialisation and Mediation at the Conference, Mediality of Music Cognition and Aisthesis in Köln. |
2009 - 2011 | Member of lectorship at the Utrecht School of the Arts, Conservatory of music, ‘Communicating Music.' |
2007 – 2009 | Member of lectorshipTheatrale maakprocessen at the Utrecht School of the Arts, Theatre Academy. |
2008 | Lecturer at the Conference, Music as Theater at the Utrecht School of the Arts. |
2006 | Vocalecture: Cathy Berberian, international symposium Musicology at UVA, University of Amsterdam. |
2002 | Master class and lecture in Tokyo, Japan |